Red Marenti
The Red Marenti, also known as Shorea megistophylla, embodies the essence of artistic freedom and quality. Red Marenti, which is sourced from the lush forests of Southeast Asia, offers a harmonious combination of strength, rich grain patterns, and exceptional workability.
The material is a preferred choice for a wide range of applications, including woodworking, decking, and architectural work. Featuring a deep reddish brown hue and striking grain patterns, Red Marenti will enhance your designs with warmth and elegance.
Red Marenti Facts
Common Name(s) Dark Red Meranti, Lauan, Philippine Mahogany
Scientific Name Shorea spp.
Distribution Southeast Asia
Tree Size 65-130 ft (20-40 m) tall, 3-6 ft (1-2 m) trunk diameter
Janka Hardness Janka hardness rating of approximately 1210 lbf (pounds-force)
Average Dried Weight 42 lbs/ft3 (675 kg/m3)
Grain/Texture Grain can be straight or interlocked. With a coarse texture and low natural luster.
Color/Appearance Typically a dark reddish or purplish brown; commonly with white resin streaks present.
Workability Typically easy to work, though any interlocked grain can present problems during planing, and Dark Red Meranti is reported to have very poor steam-bending properties. Some species may have a slight blunting effect on tools due to small levels of silica present in the wood. Glues, stains, and finishes well.
Pricing/Availability Meranti is widely harvested and available worldwide. It should be moderately priced despite the fact that it is imported.
Red Marenti
Dark Red Meranti is sometimes referred to as Red Lauan, wood in the Shorea genus is very commonly used in southeast Asia, and there is an abundance of variety between the difference species: each with different working properties, appearances, and mechanical strength values.

Interior Furniture
General Construction
Concrete Forms
Boat Building
Our wide range of Products:
Since its inception, Sumanglam Wood’s primary focus has been sourcing top-quality timber. In the early 1990s, we expanded our operations to include timber imports from various global regions, including New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Ecuador, Colombia, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Malaysia, among others.
We also set up a network of warehouses after establishing our manufacturing facility in Gujarat. Our strategically located warehouses facilitate the trade of a wide range of products, including plywood, doors, and shutters. The success of our company can be attributed to its ability to establish itself as a niche player in the wholesale timber market of India within a relatively short period of time. We developed an extensive customer base by establishing wholesale units and establishing partnerships in five major Indian cities, serving wholesalers as well as leading developers in the country.