Red Oak
A testament to quality and versatility, Red Oak, scientifically known as Quercus rubra, stands as a testament to its scientific name. This wood comes from forests in North America that are renowned for providing optimal growth conditions and exceptional technical characteristics.
The strength, appearance, and workability of red oak make it an excellent material for a variety of applications, from fine furniture to cabinetry and architectural work.
Red Oak Facts
Common Name(s) Red Oak
Scientific Name Quercus Rubra
Distribution Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada
Tree Size 80-115 ft (25-35 m) tall, 3-6 ft (1-2 m) trunk diameter
Janka Hardness The Janka hardness scale rates Red Oak at approximately 1290 pounds-force (pounds-force).
Average Dried Weight 47 lbs/ft3 (755 kg/m3)
Pricing/Availability Abundant availability in a good range of widths and thicknesses, both as flatsawn and quartersawn lumber. Usually slightly less expensive than White Oak, prices are moderate for a domestic hardwood, though thicker planks or quartersawn boards are slightly more expensive.
Color/Appearance Red oak is a light to medium brown, commonly with a reddish cast. Nearly white to light brown sapwood is not always sharply demarcated from the heartwood. Quartersawn sections display prominent ray fleck patterns. Conversely, White Oak tends to be slightly more olive-colored, but is by no means a reliable method of determining the type of oak.
Workability Produces good results with hand and machine tools. Has moderately high shrinkage values, resulting in mediocre dimensional stability, especially in flatsawn boards. Can react with iron (particularly when wet) and cause staining and discoloration. Responds well to steam-bending. Glues, stains, and finishes well.
Red Oak
The Red Oak hardwood is arguably the most popular hardwood in the United States. There are also many vinyl/imitation wood surfaces that are designed to look like Red Oak. Despite its hardness and strength, Red Oak presents an exceptional value to woodworkers, which explains why it is so widely used in the manufacture of cabinets and furniture.

Interior Trim
Variety of Small Wooden Items
Our wide range of Products:
Since its inception, Sumanglam Wood’s primary focus has been sourcing top-quality timber. In the early 1990s, we expanded our operations to include timber imports from various global regions, including New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Ecuador, Colombia, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Malaysia, among others.
We also set up a network of warehouses after establishing our manufacturing facility in Gujarat. Our strategically located warehouses facilitate the trade of a wide range of products, including plywood, doors, and shutters. The success of our company can be attributed to its ability to establish itself as a niche player in the wholesale timber market of India within a relatively short period of time. We developed an extensive customer base by establishing wholesale units and establishing partnerships in five major Indian cities, serving wholesalers as well as leading developers in the country.